Our primary weekly worship celebration is every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. The sacrament of Holy Communion is typically celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and at other times throughout the year.
Children Are Welcome in Worship
Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes a child … welcomes me” (Matthew 18:5). Children are our present and our future, our hope, our teachers, our inspiration. They are full participants in the life of the church and in the realm of God.

Following United Methodist tradition, children are welcome to fully participate in Holy Communion on the First Sunday of each Month. Children’s Worship Bulletins and Sanctuary Sacks are also available as you come into the Sanctuary. These Children’s Worship Bulletins have a secret code that unlocks hours of fun learning at home. This secret code is unique to our church and allows safe and secure access to online games and activities that reinforce our weekly Scripture focus.

NMO-UMC has been recognized as A Church for All God’s Children by the Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church and has a Safer Sanctuaries policy for the protection of our children and youth.
Invitation to Holy Communion

The United Methodist Church celebrates an open Communion Table. According to The United Methodist Book of Worship: All who intend to lead a Christian life, together with their children are invited to receive the bread and cup. We have no tradition of refusing any who present themselves desiring to receive the bread and cup. All ages are welcome to come and receive these gifts of God’s grace.
The Meaning of Holy Communion in the UMC
Worship Assistance Available

Hearing assistance devices and large print hymnals are available for your use. Our Greeter will be happy to assist you with these items.