While our worship may be described as “traditional,” we often employ non-traditional elements (praise songs, etc.) that reinforce the theme of that morning’s worship celebration or supports the primary scripture reading. Music is sung with piano and keyboard accompaniment. Dress is casual and a safe, comfortable nursery is available during worship following the children’s message. Parking is available in front of the church, along Blue Grass Trail, and at the Village Green (our church park). Spaces for persons with mobility needs are available immediately in front of the church. Microphones are used for all spoken elements and additional hearing assistance is available through our closed circuit transmission system. Large print hymnals are also available. The sanctuary is light and airy with natural light flooding through the colored glass windows. Holy Communion is regularly observed on the first Sunday of each month and at other times through the year. NMO-UMC typically follows the liturgical year, celebrating the church seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. We often engage in special worship and sermon series during those times.