The Upper Room Devotional Magazine:

Where the World Meets to Pray

For over 80 years, The Upper Room has been committed to exploring and communicating a biblically and theologically-informed vision of the spiritual life that encourages and supports disciples of Jesus Christ.  A part of Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church, The Upper Room daily devotional magazine is now published in 33 languages and can be found in 100 countries around the world.  These meditations are written by readers of the magazine and others interested in sharing their faith experiences through writing—both laity and clergy, published authors and new writers.  The meditations are stories of real people working to live faithfully with the Bible as their touchstone.  Every day, readers of The Upper Room around the world read the same story in many different languages and pray the same prayer together.

The daily devotional guide and the community it draws together invite people to:

  • listen to scripture as God’s personal message, linking their stories to God’s story;
  • commune with God in prayer;
  • see their daily choices and small acts of obedience as part of God’s work;
  • realize our connection through Christ as a universal family of believers;
  • encounter the living Christ and be transformed into Christ’s likeness.

Copies of the November-December 2024 edition, including a large-print version, are available near the front doors of the Sanctuary.