The Need
Bread for the World, a non-profit organization working to end hunger, reports that 49 million Americans are food insecure, 16 million of whom are children.
Closer to home, Feeding America Southwest Virginia recently identified 2,000 Giles County citizens as food insecure. Similarly, the 2019-20 National School Lunch Program Free and Reduced Price Eligibility Report shares that 195 students, out of a total of 399 students (over 48%), at Eastern Elementary/Middle School qualify for free or reduced price lunches.
To meet this challenge, NMO-UMC Church initiated Donna’s Backpacks in February 2011 to provide food for students who may have little or no food at home. Newport Cares is designed to provide weekend meals for the neediest students who have been identified through the school’s guidance department.
Studies continue to show that hungry children have lower test scores, diminished learning capacity, increased behavior problems and increased tardiness and absences.
The Strategy
Meals are packed at the church and then delivered on Fridays during the school year to around 30 students each week.
In Memorium
Donna’s Backpacks is dedicated to the honor and memory of Donna Knepper Martin, founder of this ministry, who gave countless hours in service to her church and the greater Newport community.
How You Can Help
- Food preparation & delivery
- In-Kind donation of food items
- Sponsor a student ($12/student/week)
- Monetary gift
Make checks payable to: NMO-UMC. Please indicate “Donna’s Backpacks” on the memo line. Financial gifts can be mailed to NMO-UMC, P.O. Box 133, Newport, VA, 24128.
To help with Donna’s Backpacks, contact the church office at nmoumc@pemtel.net.
Food List
(Individual sizes/pull-top cans)
- Cereal
- Instant Oatmeal
- Milk Boxes (UHT)
- Breakfast & Granola Bars
- Jif-to-Go Peanut Butter
- Beanee Weenees
- Chef Boyardee Bowls
- Tuna Kits
- Premium Saltine Fresh Stacks
- Ritz Fresh Stacks
- Peanut Butter Crackers
- Mac & Cheese Bowls
- Microwave Popcorn
- Raisins (1.5 oz. boxes)
- Microwave Mashed Potatoes
- Applesauce Cups